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Pacific Stars and Stripes, Oct. 12, 1951

Headgear Given To Korean Waifs

WITH 2D LOG COM—There’ll be a lot of warm heads in Korea this winter - thanks to UN war correspondent Florence Richards.

While in Pusan, Mrs. Richards visited the orphanages and the refugee areas on the bleak hills of this dirty port city. Here she witnessed the sad plight of hundreds of homeless children.

RIGHT THEN she made up her mind to do her part in relieving some of the suffering. Having many stateside textile contacts because of her connections with fabric trade papers, she wrote one letter that did the trick.

MONDAY THE PUSAN Press Center received communication for the editor of "Tip-Off" magazine which read in part: "At the request of Mrs. Florence Richards, we have shipped to the Pusan Press Center a wide assortment of hats and caps which we hope you will be able to use for Korean war orphans. "About one-half of this merchandise consists of wool headgear, in adjustable head sizes, which should certainly answer your purpose. 

"THE BALANCE of the merchandise consists of winter caps which are manufactured in specific sizes. Perhaps some needy adults may be able to utilize some of the large sizes to good advantage."

Nancy Thomas, New York, editor of the "Tip-Off" magazine concluded her letter by saying she would also try to secure some items of wearing apparel for the unfortunate war waifs.

By "Tip-Off" Mag


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